Friday, 1 February 2013

Meeting up with friends.

*Meeting Tracy at News Cafe Having a few drinks and catch up on what we,ve missed out in life....
*Meeting up with Ettienne that i,ve met in Kimberly for a show.
*Me and Danny gone to a restaurant together having the most Delicious pronse in town.
*Meeting up with my boet Nicky that i have,nt seen in awhile.
*Meeting up with Tiana Flex Miss fitness SA. She has won so far three time in every year, Congrats Girl...
*Meeting Vicky for her B-Day, having drinks and a wild party afterwards.
*My year 2013 start off great. Glad to see some of my friends again it was nice to catch up, hope to see you all again. Love you guys some of you have a special place in my heart. xoxo

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